Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "amazon crossing"
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What is exile? Perhaps a place. And at the same time a condition. That which its inhabitants abandon themselves to, outcast murderers and criminals that now take refuge from the past amid dust, sweat and alcohol, and in the shade of cruel Sheriff LaBlum. Safe from further misfortunes. However, this is about to change: at this moment a man by the name of Martin Bierzo is on his way there, crossing the enormous nothingness that separates that... - Read more

  Premio Nacional de Bolivia Banished from her own home and deprived of seeing her son, Lea, a Bolivian immigrant in Toulouse, is forced to go on a “desert crossing”. Upon returning to her country, the ghosts of her dark family past resurface, seriously threatening the protagonist's mental health. Thus begins this novel that from the first moment enwraps us like a spider's web. From the outset, the reader is trapped in a plot... - Read more

Inspector Oteiza faces the most important case of her career. History, Nazi plundering, intrigue and wine, in a fast-paced investigation that will change her forever. The theft of one of the best preserved mosaics in Europe leads Inspector Oteiza, from the Historical Heritage Brigade of the Judicial Police, to move to a small town in Burgos to investigate the case. Everything changes for her when her boss decides to include her in a highly... - Read more

Samar Yazbek was well known in her native Syria as a writer and a journalist but, in 2011, she fell foul of the Assad regime and was forced to flee. Since then, determined to bear witness to the suffering of her people, she bravely revisited her homeland by squeezing through a hole in the fence on the Turkish border. In  The Crossing,  she testifies to the appalling reality that is Syria today. From the first innocent demonstrations... - Read more

“She is as pretty as Marlene Dietrich and writes as well as Virginia Wolf!” ejaculated impressed, on meeting her, whom would later be her English translator. Indeed, her beauty is the first thing that struck one’s attention on setting eyes on Clarice Lispector (Ukraine 1920 – Brazil 1977). But that spectacular appearance of hers—she was pretty, elegant, exotic, with the perfect manners of the wife of a... - Read more

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